
Posts Tagged ‘TV’

Day off.  Huzzah!!  The way I choose to spend this rainy day off.  Weeping on the couch snuggled in a blankie watching Sense & Sensibility.  It makes me happy, knowing that I found my very own Colonel Brandon.  What a gem!  Alan Rickman *sigh*  Kate Winslet *sigh*

So my 21st century version of Colonel Brandon took me to the cinema on Saturday and we saw STAR TREK.  I promptly fell in love.  Man crush to the max!  I am certainly crushing on the new Captain Kirk (Chris Pine, who has an awesome set of eye brows just like my “Colonel”) and Spock, what good looking lads.  Oh and the movie was great too.  I even teared up in the opening sequence and other emotionally fuelled parts through out the film.  SEE IT NOW!!!

Star Trek – Go See It!

Chris Pine quinto-spock

Yum!  I want a job on the S.S Enterprise.

Back to the real world.  Catching a bus for 50mins to work each day SUCKS!  The best part is listening to a Harry Potter audio book on my IPod.  Also mentioning at the end of a work shift all I want to do is go home, but I have to wait and hour for a bus home then the 50min journey home!!!!  I just want to be home already.  Having to go to work sucks.

I made a key ring for my house keys, you want to see?  As if you get a choice the photo will go here.  =)


Also I’ve been crocheting my little fingers to the bone while watching TV, DVD’s you name it.  I need to be doing something with my hands otherwise I just fall into the chronic habit of chewing my skin around my fingers to the point of excessive bleeding and stinging.  Not cool.  The crocheting helps keep the little nasties away from my mouth and damaging them compulsively.

So I’ve been learning a few tricks (thanks to some handy blog sites)  I can now not only just crochet a granny square but I’ve just learned how to crochet Triangles and squares with circle centres and I’m just amazing to myself.  I’ll show you.

two types of squares

triangle sample one

You can learn to crochet too.  Here are some useful links:

Attic 24 – This lady is inspirational

Meet Me At Mikes

So I was at the Op-Shop the other day, doing my mandatory volunteer day and I found some pretty cool things.  I found a Pokemon board game.  Which I intend to give to my youngest brother (15 nearly 16) he is absolutely obsessed.  He plays Pokemon on his Nintendo DS all the time, so I thought the board game would be absolutely hilarious.  I even checked what was missing and out of the whole thing it’s only missing the dice, a character mover (big deal so 5 people can play instead of 6) and 2 cards.  Good Value.

pokemon board game from opshop present for geordy
Also I purchased myself a Harry Potter Trivia game, I’ll probably only ever play that with the younger brothers anyway.

harry potter trivia board game from opshop

Yes, I’m reverting to Harry Potter.  I personally need a break from Vampires.  Harry can give me that break.  Oh and not to mention the Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince film is coming to a cinema near you NEXT MONTH!!!!

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince Trailer

Also at that lovely little Op-Shop I found a delightful little pocket size

Shakespeare Treasury.  Marianne from Sense & Sensibility would LOVE it.  It is just awesome.  I keep it in my Justice League backpack in case I get board at bus stops and things.

antique shakespeare opshop find

Ok, now Sense & Sensibility is finished so I’m thinking of continuing the binge.  I’m thinking Emma (the one with Kate Beckinsale, because Gwyneth Paltrow irritates me) then if I feel like it I might watch Mansfield Park then Northanger Abbey.  All whilst blogging and doing house chores of course.  I couldn’t just sit here all day bingeing.

Whilst talking about Austen binges I’d like to mention a Television series ‘Lost In Austen’.  I’ve heard some terrible things saying it butchered the classic Pride & Prejudice and that it was just plain stupid.  I think this may be the opinion of the kind of person who thinks Master Chef and Big Brother is good TV.  Lost in Austen was an amazingly clever spin on the classic, of course it didn’t follow the plot!!!  When the main character switches places with someone from our time of course that’s going to spin things out of normal.  Of course the plot and flow of the story you know is going to change.  That is why it is CLEVER and funny and entertaining.  That is what made it good TV.  I recommend watching it to anybody it was great.

Musically I’ve been listening to Angus and Julia Stone – A Book Like This it’s a great album because I can emote with it and feel it.  It’s painfully delicious!  Get it!!!  It is beautiful.

Well I’m off to binge on Austen while crocheting.

Love and Biscuits to you all!!!

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