
Archive for the ‘Vampire’ Category

First of all if you haven’t watched this yet.  Do it.  I was so excited I cried a little. 


I only read two books in June.  I don’t know about you but this literally devastates me.  Although this despicable effort does have a great reason behind it,  I banned myself from any leisurely reading until all my final essays and assignments had been written and handed in.  I did cut it quite close, my final essay was finished around lunch time on the first marking day and luckily my teacher let me email it to her.  That could have been a disaster.  I did get reasonably good marks for it too, so I can’t complain there.

Admin at the campus said all of our results would be mailed to us during student vacation.  It is now week two and I have not received anything yet… I am waiting very patiently.  Maybe I should check online…

Ok I did.  Results aren’t bad either.  Even the subjects that I didn’t really apply myself are reasonably scored, both are over 70% so that my dear = CREDIT!.  I am really impressed with my statistics score – 93%, people.  That is pretty darn schweet considering I practically failed maths in high-school.  90% in literature (I promise I will pick up my game next semester, field of choice) and I am a smidge disappointed in my LALS score, as I really worked my butt off – 87% so I’m really going to have to impress that teacher next term.  But I suppose 87% is a good mark because she marks REALLY REALLY HARD! I need other peoples scores to compare myself.  I need a RANK!

My Eclipse Review

So one of my first things to do these holidays was to see Eclipse.  Don’t you dare judge me.  It was reasonable except for every scene being an EXTREME CLOSE UP!!  It almost made me puke.  Oh and the corny factor, cliché to the MAX! While watching, it brought up those intense feelings of wanting to smack down with Stephenie Meyer.  Ok so it’s a well known fact that the Twilight Saga is horrendous literature, poorly written and so on and so forth, right? Yes. Then later on while watching this… picture below (don’t judge me here either) 

Anyway I give 15 points to Taylor Lautner for stating the obvious ‘I’m hotter than you’ HA F*@#ing HA.  Other than that it was as cheesy and terrible as you’d expect, there were some fun action scenes, nothing amazing.  The wolves were hot, Emmet was hot and Edward was moody not worth drooling over.

It occurred to me, the literary injustice of it all.  Stephenie Meyer, instead of going down the path to greatness she stumbled on the sugar-coated, gooey caramel stuff, where everyone lives happily ever after.  As it is so wonderfully pointed out in Dawson’s Creek, the purpose of a love triangle is, that for every amount of happiness there are equal amounts of pain.  In my opinion Twilight could have been more ‘epic’ had she not taken the weak road. 
Instead of inventing some bogus character for Jacob to imprint on, she should have killed him or left him wallowing for all eternity or something remotely interesting . 

Good stories don’t have happily pukefest ever afters (except Harry Potter, but there was lots of pain and death so it deserved a light at the end of the tunnel) Scarlett does not live happily ever after with Rhett = great fiction, Heathcliff doesn’t really get Cathy = great fiction, Romeo and Juliet do not live happily ever after, Jack and Rose do not survive Titanic together, Gilbert Grapes mum dies! Dumbledore dies!, Dawson and Joey do not end up together (thank god).  You get the point right?  Jacob is the pain – he shouldn’t get such a cop out weakly written crap ending.  Did she run out of ideas or something?  Garrrrrr, I cannot keep going, I will get punchy!

Anyway so I’ve been working on my top secret crochet project which is a present for a baby that isn’t born (jess if you read this DON’T TELL ANYONE!!)
For people interested in crocheting the colours I’ve chosen (pictured below) are Panda Magnum Soft 8 Ply (they feel luscious to touch), colour numbers are blue-4603, green–1385, red–9275, orange-4422 and white-4600.

So far I’ve only completed two sets of squares and have started the third.  See.

If you want to make a blankie of your own Pip from Meet Me At Mikes has some pretty good tutorials.

Or you could check out these super colourful ones from Lucy at Attic24

I love these ladies.



Last night I picked this back up. 

I don’t really know if I like it, but it’s quite interesting.  Good arguments too.  Tell you when I’m finished. 


Pieces of today…

Gnarly Clouds of Doom!

Poisonous Delights

Charlie McDonnell has a new song about Monkeys

Finn wanted to be included, whilst I was outside taking pictures.  Yay, heart him everyone.  We love him.  Well I do.


June Book Wrap Up (late much and pathetic)

Radiant ShadowsDead in the Family

Books Read in June: 2
Authors Read in May: 2
Radiant Shadows – Melissa Marr
Dead In The Family – Charlaine Harris
Total Number of Pages in May: 651

Now I am going to go do stuff. 

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Well for anyone that gives a hoot, I haven’t blogged in quite some time due to the unfortunate circumstance of my sweet little home being violated.  Yes, VIOLATED!!!!  Some twisted person, most likely an unemployed scum bag who has no respect or ambition to own anything honestly broke into our house and stole our things.

Mostly a beloved computer and an Xbox360.  They did not take anything else.  A new TV would have been nice… (insurance what a gift from the gods)

During my blogging absence there has been much shenanigans.

For example there was the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris.  NINE novel TWO WEEKS, I think I might have given my eyes some permanent damage.  For anybody who has not heard of these books I suggest implementing that tool Google.  These are the books which inspired the television series True Blood!

I’m not really in the blogging mood right now 😦

I’ll get back to everything once I get some photo’s and exciting things to blog about.  Just be excited, for I am here.

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