
Archive for the ‘Blogging’ Category

You know those days when you wake up and you just don’t feel inspired to live, you can hear the rain pattering against the window.  You were expecting a sun filled Monday, spent lounging in the sun and working the house and garden.  Things aren’t going even slightly the way you wished, then to top it all the little bundle of fur you absolutely adore is full of life and energy to burn.

So much that even though it is raining he is gnawing through your flesh, nipping at your face forcefully demanding you to arise and let him glory in the splendour of mud and rain and kittenly filth. 

An argument with a kitten unfolds. 

He continues to try and rip my flesh from bone, this is not the way we get what we want!  I yell and scream unsaintly things at him, he cowers and runs to some other room.  He wins again.

So after feeling remorseful I arise and open the door.  Finn is free to frolic in the mud and rain like the most retarded cat in the world that he is.

I have breakfast.  Mmmm Tea.

Ignite the internet, check the appropriate social networking sites for anything interesting, and check out the new celebrity gossip and scandals, oh the hilarity of them all.  Chris Brown’s career is over because he ‘dissed’ Oprah, I particularly like where they compare Oprah to Jesus (not that I’m the religious kind)

Oh no he didn’t! If Chris Brown thought his career was in trouble before, he’d better pray for a miracle to get him out of this one. In showbiz, if you insult Oprah Winfrey you might as well be spitting in the face of Jesus Christ himself.

You can read full ‘article’ Here

Meanwhile on one of those social networking sites I decided to waste some time participating in a quiz to find out ‘My Sixth Sense’, when the following question arose I encountered dilemma.  As I read the question first with out reading the multiple choice answers I actually did what the question said.

Close your eyes and imagine yourself sitting on the beach. What do you enjoy the most?

I sat cross legged on the floor boards and imagined myself sitting on a beach, and the part I enjoyed the most was not in the list below

    • The sound of the waves breaking.
    • The softness of the sand.
    • The colour of the waves.
    • The smell of salt water.

So how could I truthfully finish this quiz, when the part I enjoyed most while sitting on that deserted beach gazing out across the massive expanse of water to the horizon was my very own insignificance in comparison to the entire universe?

Not that I want to get all philosophical right now, but what do you imagine when you are sitting on the imaginary beach?  What do you like best?  The stupid happy flying seagull?  The softness of the sand? (excuse me for gagging)  The pretty shells?

When I go to the beach generally I am overwhelmed by everything, hence the sitting and staring quietly off toward the horizon pondering my own existence.

To the point now, that quiz was crap!

This morning when I did wake up feeling uninspired, I can’t believe I had forgotten the glorious chapter in Anne of Avonlea I read last night.  With such inspiring quotes as;

‘I want to explore all those fields and lonely places anyhow.  I have a conviction that there are scores of beautiful nooks there that have never really been seen, although they may  have  been looked at.  We’ll make friends with the wind and sky and sun, and bring home the spring in our hearts’

L.M Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea

“Look, do you see that poem?”  she said suddenly, pointing.
  “Where?” Jane and Diana stared, as if expecting to see Runic rhymes on the birch-trees.
  ”There… down in the brook… that old green, mossy log with the water flowing over it in those smooth ripples that look as if they’d been combed, and that single shaft of sunshine falling right athwart it, far down into the pool.  Oh it’s the most beautiful poem I ever saw.”
  “ I should rather call it a picture,” said Jane.  “A poem is line and verses.”
  “Oh dear me, no.”  Anne shook her head with its fluffy wild-cherry coronal positively.  “The lines are verses are only the outward garments of the poem and are no more really it than your ruffles and flounces are you, Jane.  The real poem is the soul within them… and that beautiful bit is the soul of an unwritten poem.  It is not every day one sees a soul… even of a poem.”

L.M Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea

Thankfully after typing that out, a soggy little fur ball decided it was time to make up and be friends again.  After helping him dry off a little he rubbed and snuggled and hugged me, like the sorry little boy he was.  Man does that cat know how to play me.

Any how and interview with a pending employment transfer looms nearer.  Off to get ready.  I shall leave you all with a warm fuzzy YouTube clip.

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Sunny Daze

How glorious to exist, a cloudless sky a glowing golden sun beckoning me to bathe in its glorious sunny golden love.  Even I am envious of me.  I am loved by two of the most adorable furry fellows to grace the planet, one of the two legged variety (who is so unfortunately at work in an office building) and the other of the four legged variety (who is also basking in the sun, like a furry lizard.  In between his crazy spasmodic runs from one side of the yard to the other).

I suppose your wondering why I haven’t blogged in a few weeks, (see I’m envisioning a blog read by hundreds here, but in reality I think one person really.  So a big shout out to my friend Renay, thanks for coming!!) well to tell the truth life and a cartoon series got in the way. 

Yes I did say a cartoon series.  Avatar The Last Air Bender, if you haven’t seen this series I recommend it.  You don’t even need to watch it with your children because it’s just that good.

I’ve been gardening like someone on destruction pills.  I have been pruning and removing and eradicating and just destroying this garden.  It sounds so violent, but it needs to happen.  To make room for the good plants and to let the sun into our super cold little yard of mud and mould and slime.  It is slowly working.  My two legged furry guy even got in on the action and dug out a HUGE tree stump.  What a man!!  Check out my pile of pruning’s.

But apart from the destruction I’ve been taking cuttings and taking care of little seeds that I planted.  Some have germinated.

I’ve been so very domestic since moving in with the Man.  Doing laundry, I don’t even know why but there is something satisfying about not letting him do it.  Cooking some fabulous creation every night for dinner, then washing our dishes.  Arranging and rearranging the food in the pantry, putting things in containers and canisters.  I like it.  Making tea in a tea pot and drinking it from a delicate tea cup like a real lady, is satisfying.

Sitting around starting new crochet projects when I still haven’t even finished the last.  But I am seriously loving just working with some different coloured yarn for a while.  I am also making the squares slightly bigger this time and am researching new joining methods.

Re-reading the Harry Potter series when there is a thousand other books in my pile of things to read or do.  Thinking about reading Anne of Green Gables because Renay made me jealous, with her crazy Green Gables inspired dress, she’ll probably blog it eventually (wink wink at you Renay)

Buying the continental recipe sachets, making it once then trying to make it again but without the sachet and making something that tastes even better.  Something fresher without thickening agents or preservatives, with super amounts of fresh vegetables and flavour exploding into every corner of your mouth. 

And now because I’m talking to my younger brothers friend on MSN we now have a funny comic to read online.  Hoorah!! Super Effective

Now for some spiritual fun, I just did a Chakra test to see what I have that’s blocked.  You can do one too Chakra Test 

I think I’m finished now.  I think I might crochet or start reading Anne Of Green Gables.

See you on the other side.

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There is something pleasurable about Monday’s, maybe it is due to the fact that I don’t have to go to work today.  I can sleep in.  Instead of working for someone else, I can work here and get stuff that we need to get done.  I can do it at a leisurely pace.  I don’t have to deal with the scum bags you deal with in a grocery store on registers every day. 

I’m alone. 

Except for Finn, he’s chewing on my wrist and getting excited watching the letters pop up as I type them.  He’s doing that little comfy march that cats do to make things comfy before they curl up, on my tummy inside my green cardigan.  I love him.  He is my hairy little mate, he keeps me company while my bigger hairier man friend is at work.  We are listening to Beethoven.  Because we can’t concentrate on a DVD and blog at the same time.

I have done two loads of laundry this morning (I did sleep in until 9.30am, what a baddy.  Tee Hee), I have also put away all the lovely clean dishes and pans in there special places in the cupboard.  My new jars are looking amazing, filled with Tea Bags and Sugar like a real kitchen.

With the laundry, I have taken the risk of hanging it on the outside, not undercover line.  It’s starting to get even more cloudier, so cloudy I may even need to do a laundry recovery dash very soon. 

I finally finished my emailing.  I don’t think I did a very good job this time.  I publicly apologise.

The Mermaid over at her J-I-G-G-L-E design studio (lol @ studio) has finally gotten an online store going for anyone who cares to see some of her amazing creations.  It can be found here.


This is only a small photographic sample of what she is capable of.  She does amazing things with fabric.  Millions of mini skirts/tutus, patchwork quilts, choker style jewellery.  Everything is handmade and designed by her eccentric lovable little brain.  Go there, buy her stuff it is UNIQUE.

My garden needs more work, so you can see the amazing plants that are hidden by the weeds.  For example.

This Grevillea.  It’s beautiful.

This Lavender.  It smells delightful.  The bee’s even think so.

I think I’ve just talked myself into going and planting the new viola’s I purchased.  I’ll show you when I’m finished.  I might even take cuttings of Daisies and plant seeds. 

Little Finn’s hug is to be ruined again.

To Be Continued….

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Happy Monday everyone!! 

What an eventful week it has been.  I’ll start with, Sometime last week while waiting for my boyfriend to pick me up from Westfield I thought it would be fun to look in the pet shop.

So I did.  That was my first mistake.  He made eye contact with me.  He, the cutest little furry I’ve ever seen.  My initial reaction was ‘oh, don’t you dare do that face at me you little turd’.  But he did.  So naturally every day this week, while I walked through the mall to get to the bus stop I casually strolled past the little pet shop and there he was.  Still in that hideous kitten tank they were keeping him in.  Looking as lonely and adorable as ever.

So by Thursday just after lunch while at work after spending most of the week text messaging nasty little ‘meows’ and kitten related messages to my boyfriend.  I made the decision if he was still there at 7pm-ish tonight after I finished work there would be the to purchase little furry or not discussion with boyfriend.

After boyfriends visual internal argument and distress about making a hasty addition to our little family, apparently cute little furry and I managed to win him over quite easily.  Had cute little furry been a puppy, I don’t think we would have been quite as successful at manipulating the situation.  LOL @ bad girlfriend and cute furry taking over the world one boyfriend at a time.


After a traumatic relocation, an hour and a half later cute furry was not so traumatised anymore.  He was playing and loving like we gave birth to him ourselves.

After two very furry love filled days of kitten naming we settled on the name Finnigan.  Yes that is what we named our kitten.  Finn, Finnie, Little Finn.

We did consider a thousand names, so it would seem.  More than one person did suggest a Michael Jackson derived name, because kitty is Black & White just like the song.  Sorry guys, no little Jacko, Jackson, MJ, Mikey, Mickey Jack whatever.  Finn. 

So far his personality is absolutely delightful.  He takes turns at the cuddles, so the mummy or the daddy get jealous.  He is very keen on the maintaining contact practically at all times.  He likes to play fun things.  He likes to sleep on you.  He likes to playfully nibble toes, noses, lips? and other bits.  He especially likes zippers on your coat and buttons on your pants for chewing. 

His little farts smell disgusting!

He likes to know what you are doing at all times and is keen to help.  He finds the mouse pointer on the computer screen fascinating and likes to chase it.  He runs like some flailing idiot all over our house, not stealthy yet.

WE LOVE HIM!!!!  I think he loves us too.  I’m glad he made eye contact seven days ago when I was just looking at pets in a pet shop to waste some time.

The weekend consisted of my younger brother coming over to meet our furry baby Finn.  While here boyfriend thought he’d do some yard work, like lawns and such.  So younger brother and I thought we’d do some yard work too. 

The side garden with conifers is on it’s way to be Tradescantia free. (Wandering Jew, Creeping Christian whatever other politically incorrect name for it you can think of?)  We managed to completely fill the green waste bin, so now there is a massive mountain of Trad, just sitting on the decking until the bin is emptied.  I think that will be next week.  Crap.


Now to the craft scene.  I’ve started crocheting the granny squares together.  I don’t know if I like them as much crocheted together though.  Maybe it’s just the way my mum showed me to crochet them together that I don’t like.  Maybe I should be trying to learn another way to crochet them together from one of those amazing inspirational crochet queens I usually post links too. 

While the Renapturous Mermaid was visiting last Monday we went shopping at Spotlight.  While there we found some funky yarn for me to crochet her a granny square treasure bag to go with her Mermaid Costume.  It’s not quite finished yet, as it needs strap.  Otherwise she’ll probably just drop it while she’s swimming around in that big ol’ ocean of fabric she has.  

Finn wanted to help, and look super cute.  So I let him.

Anyway, I think it’s cup of tea and time to reply to some emails.

Also, it does suck that MJ died.  I’m just to wrapped up in Kitten Clouds to care right now.

Thanks for coming.  =)

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Good morning peoples!

Just a quickle to let you all know (anybody out there) I’m still here.

Very busy week.  No time for crocheting.  No time for the Sims 3.  No time for reading.  All the time being consumed by domesticity and work.

Stupid dishes don’t clean themselves.  The stupid laundry doesn’t clean the clothes on its own.  We need one of those fantasia mop & buckets!  If they could spare, also something similar to pain the outside of our house.  Now that’s an idea.

The sun is shining.  So at least while I’m walking to the bus stop I will be able to enjoy it.  What I really want is to have the day off, and finally get out in the garden and just go nuts!!!!

I will send as many Agapanthus as necessary to plant heaven.  I will slaughter the ornamental fig, which some moron planted years ago in the front garden against the house.  The Tradescantia can go to hell for all I care, when it’s taken care of.

There will be the planting of seeds.  Rosemary, Sage, Lavender all beautifully scented Nana plants which some believe to bring healing, peace and wisdom and other wonderful things to your garden.  There will be happy little Johnny Jump Up faces (aka Heartsease) smiling from every little bit of the garden I can squeeze them into.  There will be daisies.  They make me happy.  How can a flower be so happy?

Anyway to end unhappily.  I have to go chase a bus now and serve for the next five hours.  Sad Face.

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Thursday already. 

It seems everyone is blogging about Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland, and like everyone else I am dying to see it!!!  It will be so morbidly delightful.  Suppose the waiting till 2010 will just make it all the more ‘muchly anticipated’.  Only if I could find something on YouTube that wasn’t fan made.   Oh well, to the waiting game!!!

While looking for sneaky peaks on YouTube I did however find a delightfully funny little clip ripping on Twilight.

Speaking of Twilight.  That poor guy Robert Pattinson, poor guy as in the sense he’s being mobbed by a bunch of raving lunatics who think he is Edward Cullen, the Vampire.  (Look at this you made him get hit by a cab)  Girls he’s just some good looking lad named Robert who pretended to be Edward.  Let’s give him a break, we don’t want him to stress out and go into hiding like that Susan Boyle chick do we?  No, we don’t.  We want him to keep making movies, because he’s a good actor, we want to see that he’s got more in his pockets than just Edward Cullen. 

I think it’s sad that there are girls hurling themselves at the guy.  I know if I were him and there were screaming banshees hurling themselves at me all day and asking for kisses and hugs and photo’s and things only Rob can know of, I would go home and laugh myself to death at the pathetic desperateness of you all!!

I think a lot of people must forget that celebrities are people too.  Why can’t we enjoy their music or acting without the freaky over the top hero worship?  Ok, I understand a couple of posters on the wall and a desktop background and having all the DVD’s or whatever.  But mobbing people on the street?  What is that?  The poor guy has to deal with lunatics with cameras following him around trying to capture something cutting edge like him blowing his nose on his sleeve or something else so completely ridiculous.

I don’t think people understand how stressful being followed by people with cameras is.  Speaking from experience I may have only been followed by one freak with a camera and put on page three of the local rag for something I don’t particularly wish to discuss in cyber land, but it was scary. 
They don’t just follow you, if your lucky enough to escape them they follow the people you were with.  Your mum, your dad, your family or friends, hoping to catch something.  In Rob’s case something to sell a magazine or whatever media they use to make money.  Then adding to that stress a horde of screaming girls and women just wanting to touch him for some stupid celebrity crush.

Put yourself in his place, except let’s just say you aren’t famous and you’re just a person.  A person with feelings.  Let’s say you’re just trying to buy coffee and bizarre, creepy men with lusty desire in their eyes surround you and just want to touch you, and perhaps ‘never wash that hand again’ are you ok with that?  Do you welcome the unwanted touching, following, creepiness of it all?

Is it because they are celebrity we assume to know them?  Is that why we want to stalk them and touch them and sell things from their garbage bins on EBay to fanatics? 


We know celebrities as a persona, that’s who we stalk and worship.  We don’t fall in love with actors or musicians we fall in love with how they make us feel.

For example; when you watch the Notebook, you aren’t crying because you are in love with Ryan Gosling or Rachael McAdams.  You cry because of the series of events which happen in their characters lives and how as actors they emote the love, pain, fear, sadness or happiness or whatever emotion it is they are feeling.  Good acting makes you take a little bit of that on and you feel it too.  That’s why we make films or write books to share a little bit of what we feel with everyone else. 

Our emotions, what we feel is what makes us human.  I think we forget this.  These people we put on pedestals, make them godlike are only human, they can fall.  When they do fall, there will be twice as many camera men and twice as many magazine covers with life shattering statements.  This seems hardly fair.  We get so much more from celebrities than they could ever possibly get from us.  So undeserving, building them up so high only to watch them fall. 

People make mistakes, we are not perfect.  

Remember this guy?  He has a point.  I don’t know if I’m as passionate.

And because I can, Seth Green.

This blog went in a completely different direction than I expected, so yay, go me.  Hope someone enjoyed the incoherent babble for a little while.


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Day off.  Huzzah!!  The way I choose to spend this rainy day off.  Weeping on the couch snuggled in a blankie watching Sense & Sensibility.  It makes me happy, knowing that I found my very own Colonel Brandon.  What a gem!  Alan Rickman *sigh*  Kate Winslet *sigh*

So my 21st century version of Colonel Brandon took me to the cinema on Saturday and we saw STAR TREK.  I promptly fell in love.  Man crush to the max!  I am certainly crushing on the new Captain Kirk (Chris Pine, who has an awesome set of eye brows just like my “Colonel”) and Spock, what good looking lads.  Oh and the movie was great too.  I even teared up in the opening sequence and other emotionally fuelled parts through out the film.  SEE IT NOW!!!

Star Trek – Go See It!

Chris Pine quinto-spock

Yum!  I want a job on the S.S Enterprise.

Back to the real world.  Catching a bus for 50mins to work each day SUCKS!  The best part is listening to a Harry Potter audio book on my IPod.  Also mentioning at the end of a work shift all I want to do is go home, but I have to wait and hour for a bus home then the 50min journey home!!!!  I just want to be home already.  Having to go to work sucks.

I made a key ring for my house keys, you want to see?  As if you get a choice the photo will go here.  =)


Also I’ve been crocheting my little fingers to the bone while watching TV, DVD’s you name it.  I need to be doing something with my hands otherwise I just fall into the chronic habit of chewing my skin around my fingers to the point of excessive bleeding and stinging.  Not cool.  The crocheting helps keep the little nasties away from my mouth and damaging them compulsively.

So I’ve been learning a few tricks (thanks to some handy blog sites)  I can now not only just crochet a granny square but I’ve just learned how to crochet Triangles and squares with circle centres and I’m just amazing to myself.  I’ll show you.

two types of squares

triangle sample one

You can learn to crochet too.  Here are some useful links:

Attic 24 – This lady is inspirational

Meet Me At Mikes

So I was at the Op-Shop the other day, doing my mandatory volunteer day and I found some pretty cool things.  I found a Pokemon board game.  Which I intend to give to my youngest brother (15 nearly 16) he is absolutely obsessed.  He plays Pokemon on his Nintendo DS all the time, so I thought the board game would be absolutely hilarious.  I even checked what was missing and out of the whole thing it’s only missing the dice, a character mover (big deal so 5 people can play instead of 6) and 2 cards.  Good Value.

pokemon board game from opshop present for geordy
Also I purchased myself a Harry Potter Trivia game, I’ll probably only ever play that with the younger brothers anyway.

harry potter trivia board game from opshop

Yes, I’m reverting to Harry Potter.  I personally need a break from Vampires.  Harry can give me that break.  Oh and not to mention the Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince film is coming to a cinema near you NEXT MONTH!!!!

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince Trailer

Also at that lovely little Op-Shop I found a delightful little pocket size

Shakespeare Treasury.  Marianne from Sense & Sensibility would LOVE it.  It is just awesome.  I keep it in my Justice League backpack in case I get board at bus stops and things.

antique shakespeare opshop find

Ok, now Sense & Sensibility is finished so I’m thinking of continuing the binge.  I’m thinking Emma (the one with Kate Beckinsale, because Gwyneth Paltrow irritates me) then if I feel like it I might watch Mansfield Park then Northanger Abbey.  All whilst blogging and doing house chores of course.  I couldn’t just sit here all day bingeing.

Whilst talking about Austen binges I’d like to mention a Television series ‘Lost In Austen’.  I’ve heard some terrible things saying it butchered the classic Pride & Prejudice and that it was just plain stupid.  I think this may be the opinion of the kind of person who thinks Master Chef and Big Brother is good TV.  Lost in Austen was an amazingly clever spin on the classic, of course it didn’t follow the plot!!!  When the main character switches places with someone from our time of course that’s going to spin things out of normal.  Of course the plot and flow of the story you know is going to change.  That is why it is CLEVER and funny and entertaining.  That is what made it good TV.  I recommend watching it to anybody it was great.

Musically I’ve been listening to Angus and Julia Stone – A Book Like This it’s a great album because I can emote with it and feel it.  It’s painfully delicious!  Get it!!!  It is beautiful.

Well I’m off to binge on Austen while crocheting.

Love and Biscuits to you all!!!

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Not only am I sick now, but my manfriend Andrew is also sick. So sick he sounds sicker than I have the whole time. Stupid man.

Too sick to keep blogging…

I’ll be back for anyone who cares, eventually….

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So, I worked my little butt off all afternoon and it still looks like I have done absolutely nothing.  My bookshelf is not empty like I planned, however most of the books have been put in a box for moving.

I did manage to fill the recycling bin more than half way with odd bits and scraps of recyclable junk I have collected over the last 23 years or more.  I am seriously mental, I did not realise what a hoarder I was.  It is scary, I do not know where I am going to keep the stuff I am keeping when it is finally moved.  Not cool.

My Mum put way too many choko’s in the evening meal again.  Thank thee Lord, that when I am moved 100% I will never have to see a choko again.



Tomorrow, I am going to be working in the (I won’t tell the name) Bakery again.  I will be making all the yummy cakes, which really aren’t so yummy at all.  Standard, generic mass produced beastly thawed (not freshly baked) sponge cakes.  With the foul icing from the tub that looks like it’s never been washed.  It absolutely sucks that I am never at work on the days that the tub is empty, because I would clean that tub like it has never been cleaned before.  (Which may even be true, EWWWW!)

While watching prime time tv – shows such as Kath & Kim, The Vicar Of Dibley and other such funnies I sit here in between sentences knitting my pretty purple squares.  Knitting because I left my crocheting at my shiny new house, and knitting things were all I have left here at my parents to occupy my evening with.   I loved knitting more for a while, because I didn’t know how to crochet at that time.  But I am preferring the crocheting more these days because I can do it faster – which makes me feel more accomplished at the end of a day.  I can whip up a few more “granny squares” a day than I can knit them.

Another little whinge.  Because of the wind, my prettiest rose with the longet most delicate stem snapped viciously.  The whole plant is slightly damaged.  I think I’m going to have to doctor it before disease and yukky rose demons get into it.  It was so pretty.  I wish I didn’t move my camera already so I could show whoever reads this.  (The crickets, chirruping in the desert thing.  Giggle.)

I’m done for now I suppose.


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